Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Exploring Demeter

Poul Anderson, Harvest Of Stars, 6, Database.

The round trip to Alpha Centauri is STL. The explorers are robots. One contains a downloaded human personality. On Demeter, there is rain and wind and there are two suns in the sky.

A fifteen-centimeter insect-like biologist robot probing a green-brown vegetable mat with its tendrils transmits to a balloon-borne receiver which amplifies the signal and re-transmits it to the mainframe computer at the station.

Through his robot body's treads, download Guthrie feels fine grit and damp soil. Through its eye stalks, he sees a beach strewn with weed, shells and dead animals like worms or jellyfish and the surfacing of a mother vessel for robots studying the sea. Production facilities make investigators which are then flown around the planet. Guthrie also has a legged body. He makes discoveries and devises procedures transcending the abilities of computer programs.

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Olympus Mons And The Milky Way

Poul Anderson, Harvest Of Stars, 4, p. 56.

From half way up Olympus Mons, Kyra sees:

rocky vastness;
subtle desert hues;
rose-petal sky;
a dust storm;
a crater.

From an asteroid:

a multitude of stars;
blue Vega;
amber Arcturus;
smoldering Betelgeuse (important in the Technic History);
"The Milky Way torrented in frost and silence."

From the surface of the Saturnian moon, Enceladus:

glittering ice;
a few stars;
huge Saturn with cyclopean storms and rings seen edge on;
two other moons.