Saturday 25 August 2018

On The Planet II

Poul Anderson, World Without Stars, Chapter VI.

Both day and night are several standard days long and the nights are extremely dark. The galaxy, "God," is sometimes overhead. Tusocky growths correspond to grass. These growths, the broad leaves on trees and the reed-like plants on the mud beach are bronze or yellow.

"Photosynthesis under a red dwarf star can't use chlorophyll." (p. 36)

Plants conceal many mud holes. Vines with sucker mouths grab passersby. The mouths cannot break human skin but a man has to be cut free.

Axial tilt is slight. Wild life is visible and audible. Web-arctoid giants keep away probably because the new-comers smell inedible but a massive horned beast attacks and keeps crawling forward even after it has been downed by two torch guns.

The stranded spacemen have not only packaged supplies but also a food recycling plant whose output tastes like shrimp but can also be flavored. It is hard work to establish a camp. The food plant uses a small nuclear generator. I cannot remember any of this from previous readings.

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